How to Increase Iron Levels Quickly

I have been told my iron levels are low. Low like 14 and its suppose to be at least 22. I don’t eat meat or fish. I don’t call my self the common names, as I’m fed up of labelling everything I or we do in nowadays. I don’t like being pigeon holed. I chose […]

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How to Increase Vitamin D Levels Quickly

I have been told my vitamin D level are low. Low like 9 and its suppose to be at least 50. I know it’s a big difference. An as I’m a black person living in the non sunny of uk I knew my levels would be low but not so low. I don’t eat meat […]

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What is Invita D3 50 000 iu Oral Solution

What is InVita D3 50 000 used for? – Treatment of vitamin D3 deficiency I was told today I am very low in vitamin D and iron. This was the results from my bloods I had done when my leg became swollen due to a cyst growing at the back of my left knee. You […]

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My Water Fasting Experience – this time around

My first meal after a 9 day only water fast (216hours). Watermelon never tasted so amazing. ➡Squeeze lemon over your watermelon you can thank me later. This is not my first water fast and it won’t be my last. ​ 🔹I went into this fast with a heavy Chinese takeaway me an the kids had. […]

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