How to Recycle Old Crayons to Make Candles

Making candles is fun but being able to recycle items you already have to make candles is even better. If you have old or small crayons lying around, instead of throwing them away why not use them to make candles? Kids will love this project and it shows them other uses for their old crayons. […]

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How to Knit a Simple Scarf With Leftover Yarn

This simple scarf requires only a few basic knitting skills:  casting on, the knit stitch, changing yarns, and casting off. Simple and hassle-free, this scarf is a perfect project for beginning knitters, but also for the more experienced. To start this scarf, collect yarn scraps in any texture, size, or color. Depending on the desired […]

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How do you make candles for beginners?

Candle Making Instructions, Supplies, Techniques, and Ideas Candle making is an art form that can be a hobby or a business. After learning a few basic instructions on how to make pillar candles a whole new world can be opened up. While the hobby of candle-making itself can be profitable it can also be rewarding. […]

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