How to Tie an African Headwrap

How to tie an African headwrap will always be the starting question after people see all the most beautiful African headwrap styles online & in real life. The answer to this question is not one answer. As you can tell people have their own way of wearing an African headwrap.     PIN FOR READING […]

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4 Beautiful African Headwrap Tutorials

Sharing with you 4 beautiful African headwraps tutorials. These are great for when you don’t want to do your hair but still need to hit the streets.   PIN FOR READING LATER   Sometimes we just need a few go-to headwrap styles that will look amazing without the effort. These 4 African headwraps are shown […]

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African Head Wrap Tutorial no2

African Head Wrap Tutorial. I haven’t been around for a while but I am back sharing a beautiful African headwrap tutorial that I found via YouTube.   PIN FOR READING LATER     I have been getting a lot of education relating to my looking after my natural hair via using natural homemade products. Many […]

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My Rescue Oil Review

Rescue Oil loves blemishes and marks I have personally been using rescue oil for over 2 years and I can honestly say that this product works. It is ideal if you have uneven skin tones, stretch marks, pregnancy stretch marks, aging skin, dehydrated skin, and of course scars.   PIN IMAGES FOR LATER   It […]

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African Head Dress – How 2

The African-designed printed fabric is a great love for me. I find so much inspiration in the designs and colors used to create them. I especially love it when the fabrics are used to create African garments like head wraps. I don’t wear head wraps often myself but when I wanted to get started I […]

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