How often should you blog? is a common question bloggers will start to ask themselves, or do

how often should you blog

 a search for. Thinking there’s a blogging routine and if you follow it, A, B & C will happen. Well if you been blogging for any amount of time you know that trial and error is part of blogging. Like what works for one blogger may not work for you, is also a rule of thumb. Of course, still read, learn, and try because that’s part of the fun.


I have been thinking about this one for some time. I already have a Monday schedule for my business marketing blog and that’s been going well. I think with this blog I will be taking each day, each week, each month as it comes. I can share so much more here, I have no restrictions, so I hope to blog often, if time, plans and family life is on my side.

I  have so much to share with you that I have to get a new notebook to start writing them all down in. Any excuse for buying new beautiful notebooks

Over to you beautiful, in the comments share how often you blog and how you came to that decision.


  1. Rachael (Mushroomsmum)

    My thoughts on this are: As often as you want to. Of course, it depends on your blog’s purpose – if it’s a big income earner or to promote your business then of course there will be days you’d need to blog when you’re not really feeling like it but I do think that a desire to write can make for better writing… That’s certainly true in my case! I aim to write once a week at Mothering Mushroom and less often at my other blog, Honest Speaks. Some months I write more, sometimes less but if I’m really not feeling it then I won’t post anything because it would be half-hearted and I think it would show…

  2. Janet

    Hi ya Rachel.

    Business blogging will have a totally different schedule as its to boost your business as much as possible. Hobby blogging can be when ever you feel. I do agree with you on that, you have to want to write the post in the first place, because if you are not really into you will see it through your writing.

    Blessings Janet

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